Annick Deschamps

Senior consultant

Having graduated in psychology from the University of Geneva and professional certified coach (IDC), she is particularly interested in human development within the organization.

She started working in HR in various functions as well as specialist or generalist, and as a «business partner» in several different trades such as publishing, new technologies, HR consulting, finance and Inspectorate and Certification.

Her experience ranges from administration of operational activities to strategic projects, in close cooperation with line managers and staff as to implementing strategies and decisions to create favourable conditions for the wellbeing of fellow workers.

She has also managed and supervised various in-house HR analysis, policies and procedure projects, simultaneously promoting constructive relations with staff at all levels.

Considering that her functions and responsibilities have considerably broadened over the years, she is more than ever convinced that the human being is the bearer of his own development potential.

Annick has decided to join the Oxalys Consultants team in order to help provide guidance to the individual at a professional turning point towards achieving success and personal happiness in pursing his future goals.

She is certified in Psychometric tools such as PerformanSe and Insights MDI.

Annick is a Swiss citizen, fluent in English and is the mother of two children.

In continuity of Oasys, she pursues the collaboration initiated many years ago.

Dans nos publications:

Gestion des conflits : “L’objectif c’est que l’équipe puisse fonctionner”

annick deschamps

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